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ReConFort: Reconsidering Constitutional Formation

ReConFort: Reconsidering Constitutional Formation

Seven graduated historians and legal scholars from Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Italy and Spain conduct research under the supervision of the principal investigator Prof. Dr. Ulrike Müßig (University of Passau) on Constitutional Communication by drafting, practice and interpretation in 18th and 19th century Europe.

Inauguration of Italian parliament 1860

About the project

ReConFort applies an evolutionary, dynamic and interactive concept of forming constitutions by text, societal context, political practice, constitutional interpretation and communication.

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Research Team

The research team under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ulrike Müßig is composed out of 5 post-docs from Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and Poland and is supported by 2 doctoral students from Germany.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 339529.

ReConFort is a research project in the field of legal history (ERC-AG-SH6 - ERC Advanced Grant - The study of the human past). 

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